Why Jet Star

Jet Star manages capital on behalf of a single Canadian family and is not bound by short-term return expectations or bureaucracy. All decisions are made internally, which enables Jet Star to move forward quickly. Jet Star has a long term investment horizon to buy and build successful businesses.

For Business Owners

As business owner operators, we understand what it is like to walk in your shoes. We appreciate how difficult and consuming it can be to build a business. We also understand that there comes a time in every business owner's life when they are considering retiring, selling or significantly reducing their participation in the day-to-day operations. We know from experience that this can be unsettling and we share the concerns you may have about your employees, customers and the continuity of your business going forward. We are discreet and can offer you a unique opportunity to reap the financial benefits of your hard work with the peace of mind that your business will be in good hands.

For Intermediaries

If you know of a company that would be a good acquisition candidate for Jet Star Capital, please contact us directly at info@jetstarcapital.com. We offer competitive success-based referral fees for exclusive introductions. 


Thinking of selling your business or know someone who is?

Let's Chat
